Saturday, April 5, 2014

He's got a Hot date with a Hot Plate!

He says, he's got a hot date with a "hot plate". But I think it's more like a "platinum plaque" he'll be eating off of. Since his young days at McLane High School battling his peers. To battling top tier emcees in GTN(Grind Time Now) and local P&R(Power & Respect) battle leagues, he has come a long way. Signed to local indie label Kings Records he is sure to prove all doubters wrong! You can feel his struggle in every bar he spits on any track. There is a certain mystique about Mc Wicks that draws people to him. Weather it's his funny lines or catchy hooks, this is one artist you have to see! Go check him out at his Birthday Bash/CD Release party, for his "Never Had A Dollar EP". And you had better bring him a birthday present! Check out his video for his single "Rappers Can't Spit Well", and his virtual flyer for his release party.  photo 29c44982-29ad-4388-9570-8dbc3f897faa_zps4919b85f.jpg

1 comment:

  1. my boy mc wicks getting it
    -much love KingsRivera
